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Routers & Ruffles! 'Routers' stands for the power tools used (not the computer and 'Ruffles' is the fluff, style, and details that go into DIY sign making. This is a site that is FULL of Paint Party fun, wood signs, awesome DIY, how-to tutorials, and some great recipes splashed in here and there! I’m on a journey that still has so much room for improvement and trust me…you’ll want to stick around for the encore!

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Paint Parties!

Here is where you'll find the latest dates for local Paint Parties! If you would like to host a private party, please contact me to see about available dates and getting on the schedule.
Party dates (here)

Let's Paint!

DIY or Paint Parties...I've got ya covered!


Paint Party...

Private Parties are a great way to hang out with your besties! Before the party date we'll customize sign stencil designs for your party that you and I pick out together. Face to face time, with friends, doesn’t happen as often as it should. Find out for yourself just how fun it is by booking a party and inviting 10+ friends to paint with you for a couple of hours! Heck invite a 100, I can handle it! ;)
Contact me for more info.

New on the Blog

Are you a Martha or Mary?

Strawberry Chicken Salad

Best Mac & Cheese

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